Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (2025)

Added earlier this year, Sevagoth brings a new style of gameplay for fans ofWarframe. Like Equinox, Sevagoth has more than four abilities, but instead of change styles, Sevagoth turns into a completely different form. Sevagoth's shadow form is heavily focused on melee attacks and wreaking havoc across the battlefield.


Many players have had a hard time learning how to play Sevagoth effectively thanks to how different his abilities are compared to other Warframes in the game. Sevagoth's abilities fill the death well. This Death Well is what powers his shadow form. Once it is filled, Sevagoth can unleash his shadow form on the enemies.

How To Obtain Sevagoth

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (1)

Those who want to get Sevagoth will need to progress through the new campaign, Call of the Tempestarii. This new questline takes players to a ghost Railjack Ship where Sevagoth is the captain.

Once players complete the questline, they are able to acquire Sevagoth as their newest character. Of course, players can also skip out on the long process by going to the market and purchasing Sevagoth for 325 platinum.

Passive Ability

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (2)

Sevagoth has a passive ability that is unlike the other Warframes in the game. His passive ability allows the player to take control of his shadow whenever he goes down.

If they are able to kill enough enemies in quick succession, Sevagoth will be brought back to life. If enough time passes without killing enemies, Sevagoth will die.

Sevagoth: Reap

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (3)

Sevagoth's first ability, Reap, causes his shadow to fly outward in the direction the player is pointing. The shadow will hit multiple enemies and cause radial damage. Any enemies that survive will receive a damage vulnerability debuff.

While the ability is active, the player can control the shadow by aiming down their sight and moving the reticle. The debuff is increased by Sevagoth's ability strength and the energy consumption is controlled by the energy efficiency.

Sevagoth: Sow

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (4)

Sevagoth's second ability, Sow, is useful for crowd control. This ability casts shadows in a limited radius that envelope the enemies and cause damage over time. This ability, like the previous one, fills the Death Well over time as enemies are damaged.

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Players will want to increase Sevagoth's efficiency, strength, and duration for this ability. Increasing the strength will increase the amount of damage enemies receive over time.

Sevagoth: Gloom

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (5)

The third ability that Sevagoth has access to is Gloom. This ability emits a pulse wave that is centered on Sevagoth and remains in the area until it is either turned off or the Warframe's energy runs out. This ability tracks Sevagoth, so moving around will cause the wave to follow him. While this ability is active, Sevagoth and all allies within the area of effect gain lifesteal. This will allow them to regain health for damaging the enemies affected by this ability.

To make the most of this ability, players will want to increase Sevagoth's ability duration and efficiency. This is because the cost of this ability is decreased by both efficiency and duration. Increasing Sevagoth's ability strength will increase the lifesteal that players gain from it.

Sevagoth: Exalted Shadow

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (6)

Sevagoth cannot activate his fourth ability until the Death Well is at least 75% full. Each ability contributes to the Death Well and once it is filled, he can cast Exalted Shadow. Using this ability will split Sevagoth's shadow from his body and allow players to gain control of it and its equipped weapons, shadow claws.

Shadow: Embrace

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (7)

Shadow's first ability, Embrace, pulls enemies in close. These enemies get pulled into a cluster and are then prevented from moving and attacking. This leaves the enemies open to attack. This ability has a large area of effect that is focused on where the player is aiming. The area of effect can be increased by increasing Sevagoth's ability range.

Shadow: Consume

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (8)

Shadow's second ability, Consume, makes Shadow dart forward and rip through enemies. Shadow is healed for a portion of the damage dealt to the enemies.

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This ability can be increased further by increasing the ability strength. Increasing ability strength will increase the amount of health Shadow receives and the amount of damage the enemies are dealt.

Shadow: Death Harvest

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (9)

Similar to Sevagoth's Reap ability, Death Harvest causes enemies to get affected by shadows that inflict a damage vulnerability debuff. Increasing ability duration and strength will improve the damage this ability deals and the debuff's effectiveness.

Shadow: Reunite

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (10)

The final ability that Shadow has access to is Reunite. This ability is activated automatically if the player dies while controlling shadow. It is also automatically activated if the Death Well runs out of power.

Of course, the player can activate this ability manually at any time. This ability causes Shadow and Sevagoth to reunite and the player will then control Sevagoth once more.

How To Build Sevagoth

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (11)

Sevagoth is great for crowd control. His abilities are also meant to be used in conjunction with one another. The obvious abilities are Reap and Sow. Maximize Sevagoth's potential for these abilities by increasing ability strength, range, and duration. This will allow most of Sevagoth's and Shadow's abilities to devastate enemies across the battlefield.

NEXT: Warframe: Everything You Need To Know About Necramech

Warframe: Guide To Playing As Sevagoth (2025)
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