Introduction to the Shadowfell: DnD 5e Setting Guide (2024)

The shadowy mirror of the Mortal Plane

What is the Shadowfell?

The Shadowfell is a dark, shadowy plane of existence where there is little colour, just varying shades of black and grey. It is often known as the Shadowland, Demiplane of Shadow, the Shadow Deep and the Plane of Shadow.

Like the Feywilds, the Shadowfell itself is a mirror of the prime material plane with physical locations on the material plane often coinciding with similar locations in the Shadowfell. Mountains and forests often appear in geographically similar places and even buildings might exist in the mirror plane. Often though, there are distinct differences as well. A building might be in ruins or made of different materials, forests may be devoid of the beautiful, luscious plant life of the mortal plane, replaced with dark, dank vegetation.

While geographically, the Shadowfell is often a mirror version to the material plane, it also has a habit of shifting and changing geographically making it impossible to map. Locations will shift and change with no obvious reason. Tremors are also felt commonly throughout the Shadowfell like minor earthquakes. There is also no constant light source (such as a sun, moon or stars) but rather verying degrees of darkness. Even light sources produced by fire or magic tend to be weaker in the Shadowfell giving off half the brightness they might normally give on the material plane. Conversely, spells associated with shadow and darkness tend to draw greater power from this plane, enhancing them beyond what a mage might normally expect.

While the landscape itself is a twisted form of what is on the material plane, it is still possible for mortals to survive in the Shadowfell if they’re determined enough, though it is more difficult. Plant life will give nutrition, as will the water, if you can get past the taste. There’s also animal life that has adapted to being more hardy, supported by this less wholesome ecosystem.

Creatures of the Shadowfell

Introduction to the Shadowfell: DnD 5e Setting Guide (1)

The Shadowfell is a place filled with negative energy that sucks the life force of living creatures that find themselves there if they are not protected from such forces. Anyone that lingers too long, unprotected, will quickly find themselves drained of all life. Because of this permeating negative energy, creatures with an affinity for such things also tend to walk this plane. This often includes undead such as ghosts, shadows and vampires. Shadow mastiffs are dog-like creatures that have made the Shadowfell their home as well as shadow dragons. Other creatures attracted to the Shadowfell include; bodaks, cloakers, darkweavers, ephemera, veserabs, liches, nightshades, shadurakul, spectres and wraiths. Other more natural creatures that have managed to survive in the Shadowfell include; apes, basilisks, bears, owlbears, rats, umber hulks and wolves.

The Shadar-Kai have also made the Shadowfell their home. They are elves that once originated in the Feywilds, but have become distorted by the negative energies of the Shadowfell. There’s also the remenants of the Netherese empire, humans that live in floating cities that have become transformed by the negative energies into shades.

Domains of Dread

Introduction to the Shadowfell: DnD 5e Setting Guide (2)

Within the Shadowfell are numerous (and potentially innumerable) demi-planes known as the Domain of Dread which together form the setting of Ravenloft. The Domains of Dread are limited planes that range in size from a single household to small nations. Each is a form of prison for its inhabitants, plucked from the mortal plane by the Dark Powers and imprisoned eternally (usually) within evil and tortured lands. Within each Domain of Dread is an individual that both rules the domain and is the one most tortured by it. These individuals are known as Darklords and have been chosen by the Dark Powers for deeds of incredible evil.

For D&D 5e, Wizards of the Coast released Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft which details the known Domains of Dread in 5e, but there are potentially innumerable others waiting to be discovered and created by players. Below are a list of all the Domains of Dread in D&D 5e.

Domains of Dread in D&D 5e

  • Barovia– Domain of the first vampire
  • Bluetspur– Domain of alien memories
  • Borca– Domain of desire and deceit
  • The Carnival– Wandering domain of wonders
  • Darkon– domain on the brink of destruction
  • Dementlieu– Domain of decadent delusion
  • Falkovnia– Domain besieged by the dead
  • Har’Akir– Domain of the ancient dead
  • Hazlan– Domain doomed by magic
  • I’Cath– Domain trapped in a dream
  • Kalakeri– Domain of betrayal and revenge
  • Kartakass– Domain of tarnished dreams
  • Lamordia– Domain of snow and stitched flesh
  • Mordent– Domain of the haunted
  • Richemulot– Domain of disease, isolation and wererats
  • Tepest– Domain of nature’s cruel secrets
  • Valachan– Domain of the hunter
  • Cyre 1313, the mourning rail– Domain escaping from disaster
  • Forlorn– Domain of invention
  • Ghastria– Domain of cursed art
  • G’henna– Domain of corrupt theocracy
  • Invidia– Domain of posessed children
  • Keening– Domain of the silent village
  • Klorr– Domain of impending doom
  • Markovia– Domain of depraved science
  • The Nightmare Lands– Domain of nightmares
  • Niranjan– Domain of shadows and brainwashing
  • Nova Vaasa– Domain of nomadic riders
  • Odaire– Domain of evil toys
  • The Rider’s Bridge– Domain of murderous legend
  • Risibilos– Domain of misdirection
  • Scaenna– Domain of reality-manipulating theatre
  • Sea of Sorrows– Domain of nautical horror
  • The Shadowlands– Domain of heroic sacrifice
  • Souragne– Domain of swamp magic and imprisonment
  • Staunton Bluffs– Domain of endless warfare
  • Tovag– Domain of undead military dictatorship
  • Vhage Agency– Domain of detective work and memory loss
  • Zherisia– Domain of urban decay

Gods of the Shadowfell

often use the non-mortal planes as abodes, choosing a plane that matches their powers and disposition. 4 gods are known to have made the Shadowfell their home; the Raven Queen, Mask, Shar and Null. In addition to them are the Dark Powers who are god-like entities of whom little is known, but they do seem to have god-like powers. They rule over the Domains of Dread of Ravenloft, imprisoning hapless souls within these realms.

The Raven Queen

The Raven Queen is the current ruler of the Shadowfell and a goddess of death. She originates from the Feywilds where she lived as a mortal and a queen of the elves. She sought greater power though and attempted to ascend to godhood but her ritual was corrupted and she was almost killed. To save herself, she drew memories from the Shadowfell to maintain her presence. She continues to rule from the Shadowfell over her shadar-kai followers, seeking to wrap herself in more memories to continue to gain in power.


Shar is the goddess of darkness and shadows. She is one of the creator gods of Toril and the Forgotten Realms and the twin sister of Selune. She originally setup her home in the Palace of Loss but after the Spellplague, moved her home to the Towers of Night. While her home appears to have no discernible entrance, her followers have little trouble gaining access. It was Shar that transformed the Shadowfell into what it is now, infusing the Plane of Shadows with necrotic energies from the Negative Energy Plane during the Spellplague.

Introduction to the Shadowfell: DnD 5e Setting Guide (5)


Mask is the god of thieves and keeps his home in the Shadowfell as well in a place known as Shadow keep. The Keep itself is made of shadows making it incredibly difficult to see, even when close to it.

Introduction to the Shadowfell: DnD 5e Setting Guide (6)


Null is the draconic god of death. While his realms existed on the outer planes of the Outlands and Carceri, it is believed that his realms also existed in the Shadowfell as well. These were known as the Mausoleum of Chronepsis and the Mausoleum of Pain.

Introduction to the Shadowfell: DnD 5e Setting Guide (7)

The Dark Powers

The Dark Powers are ill-defined entities that rule over the demi-planes of Ravenloft, plucking individuals of great evil from other planes and transporting them into these torturous domains. Each domain is designed to specifically torture a certain individual known as a Darklord in a way that they do not suspect that they are being tortured but are in constant misery and despair.

Travelling to the Shadowfell

Unlike the Feywild, portals to the Shadowfell do not mysteriously just appear, nor are they created by accident. One must purposefully create a means of transporting to the Shadowfell through the use of advanced magic. Even then, protections are required once someone arrives in the Shadowfell as mortals will find their life force slowly sucked from them. A failed shadow gate can also be a dangerous thing as someone might believe they have successfully created a portal to the Shadowfell and it may even work momentarily. If this happens, a seed of darkness will have been implanted into the individual that would see them consumed by shadow, usually resulting in their eventual death. The few that survive this process do acquire the powers of a dark creature though.


Who rules the Shadowfell?

The Shadowfell is ruled by a deity known as the Raven Queen. She was once an elven queen of the Feywilds before ascending to godhood. She lost her form during a corrupted ritual and gathers memories in order to maintain her presence and power. She is worshipped primarily by the Shadar-Kai, elves who have lived for generations in the Shadowfell and been transformed through their time there.
In previous editions, the ruler of the Shadowfell has shifted. At times it has been the domain of Mask, the Lord of Shadows and Master of Thieves. At others, it has been associated with the goddess Shar.

Is Ravenloft in the Shadowfell?

Yes. Ravenloft is a setting in D&D made up of many demi-planes within the Shadowfell known as the Domains of Dread. This means that domains such as Barovia, Lamordia and Mordent exist within the Shadowfell.

Is the Shadowfell the opposite of the Feywild?

Yes, the Shadowfell and the Feywilds are both mirror planes of the material plane. The Feywilds are more whimsical and full of life whereas the Shadowfell is a barren and shadowy mirror of the material plane making these planes opposites of one another.


Introduction to the Shadowfell: DnD 5e Setting Guide (2024)


How to enter Shadowfell D&D 5e? ›

You can get there through portals called Shadow Gates that can periodically be opened in the Material plane, in particularly dark shaded areas – but they're fleeting and unpredictable, and it's incredibly difficult to create a portal that lasts any extended time.

What should you do in Shadowfell? ›

Otherwise, you can complete some quests pivotal in accessing the arc:
  1. Avenge Glut's Circle.
  2. Find Arabella's Parents.
  3. Find Rolan in the Shadows.
  4. Find the Githyanki Creche.
  5. Help Omeluum Investigate the Parasite.
  6. Lift the Shadow Curse.
  7. Punish the Wicked.
  8. Rescue Wulbren and Tieflings.
Feb 29, 2024

Who rules the Shadowfell 5e? ›

But reading the entries in 5e about the Raven Queen, they say that The Raven Queen is the ruler of the Shadowfell.

What is the optional rule in Shadowfell? ›

There are limited 5e rules for the Shadowfell.

The DMG only includes the optional "Shadowfell Despair" rule where, typically up to once per day, characters may need to make a wisdom saving throw to avoid suffering apathy, dread, or madness.

What changes if I enter Shadowfell? ›

Entering the Shadowfell before Moonrise Towers locks off quests and storylines and makes the Act 2 finale more difficult. Entering Moonrise Towers first allows for stealth gameplay and makes the final fight easier by picking off some inhabitants beforehand.

What to do before Shadowfell entrance? ›

Before entering Shadowfell in Baldur's Gate 3, it is important to complete as many side quests and objectives in the available areas. Completing these objectives will expand the player's knowledge of the area and provide additional rewards and compelling stories.

What is the opposite of the Shadowfell 5e? ›

So the Material Plane have 2 parallel planes, Feywild and Shadowfell. Feywild have a specific class of creatures that come from there, called Fey. The Feywild deals with nature, lush forests, and bright things. The opposite of the Feywild is Shadowfell.

Is the Shadowfell considered Fey? ›

It existed as sort of a counterpart to the Feywild, in the sense that it was a reflection, or "echo", of the Prime Material Plane. Unlike the Feywild, it was a bleak, desolate place full of decay and death. It is the toxic plane of darkness and power.

Is everything in the Shadowfell evil? ›

It is not wholly evil, but everything in the Shadowfell has its dark and sinister side.

Does time pass differently in The Shadowfell? ›

Gravity and time were the same on the Shadowfell as on the Prime, but because the Shadowfell was magically morphic (and divinely morphic in the realms of Shar and Mask) the landscape was a dark, twisted echo of what existed on the Prime.

What is the difference between the Feywild and the Shadowfell? ›

Mike Mearls: Where in the Feywild, nothing is predictable, everything is constantly changing. In the Shadowfell, everything, essentially enters into a rhythm and remains stuck in it. So you imagine as adventurers, you go to the Feywild, you're dealing with a constantly shifting, dangerous situation.

What are Shadowfell creatures called? ›

Nightshades - Undead creatures that are part dead and part darkness whose Intelligence and spell casting are something to fear. Shadar-Kai - The Shadowfell version of Eladrin. Shades - Humanoids whose soul was taken and replaced with essence of shadow. Shadows - The Shadowfell version of ghosts.

Should you do Moonrise Towers before Shadowfell? ›

Infiltrate Moonrise first! (You must do so if you want to rescue the prisoners. If you don't care about the prisoners, go ahead and enter the Shadowfell.) Do everything in the entire zone up til Ketheric Thorm at the top of Moonrise.

Is Ravenloft in the Shadowfell? ›

The Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition supplement Manual of the Planes (2008) established that in the retconned cosmology, the Domains of Dread (and by extension the Ravenloft setting) were now located within the Shadowfell, a mirror-plane of death and gloom lying adjacent to the mortal realm.

What levels are keep on the Shadowfell? ›

Keep on the Shadowfell is an exciting Dungeons & Dragons adventure designed for characters of levels 1–3. It includes three double-sided poster maps suitable for use with D&D Miniatures.

How to travel in Shadowfell? ›

Wizards could shadow walk directly to the edge of the Shadowfell and travelers could use this plane as a transitive plane to traverse many Prime Material miles/kilometers very quickly. Clerics could use the plane shift spell to travel to this plane.

How do you enter the ethereal plane in D&D? ›

The Ethereal Plane was mainly accessed by spells such as blink, etherealness, and ethereal jaunt. A phase door spell could be used to create a passage through the Ethereal, and Leomund's secret chest could temporarily stash a container in the Ethereal.

How do you get into Feywild 5e? ›

In order to enter the Feywild without a Plane Shift spell or equivalent, a visitor must pass through a "Fey Crossing", or "Fey Crossroad". These are portals that link the material plane and the Feywild, and they come in a variety of forms.

Can you live in Shadowfell? ›

Shadowborn are natural mortals who live in the Shadowfell. Their settlements can provide a haven of sorts from the dangers of this dark plane.

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